Monday, February 1, 2010

Caribbean Cruise preparation

     Once again we are getting ready for a vacation.  This time we are leaving the RV at home and taking a Caribbean cruise for a week.  It seems odd to be pulling out summer clothes while the temperature outside is in the teens.
     We have our passports, cruise documents, airline reservations and a room in Miami for the night before the cruise.  The last item (the room) was a challenge as I found out AFTER making the cruise reservation that it will be SuperBowl weekend in Miami and everything is really booked up.
     Hopefully the weather will cooperate and we will not have flight delays.  We get in to Miami at 8:35 pm and need to be on the ship by 2:30 pm the next day.  That SHOULD be enough lag time.
     I am not bringing my trusty laptop along so we will see how many posts I get done with this blog.  6 more days and I will be able to walk outside without a coat!

1 comment:

Paape Family said...

i am so jealous! Glad you were able to find someplace in Miami for the weekend! Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back!