Friday, September 25, 2009

Home – What a trip!

     We only had 200 miles to go this morning. We dumped our tanks for the last time and pulled some things out of the cubby holes all over the RV. It was a quick drive home and raining as we unloaded. I am happy to be back in my lovely house, but already planning for our next trip!
     In one month we traveled 3400 miles through 7 states and 2 Canadian provinces. We saw all of the Great Lakes and drove over each of the waterways between the lakes. 15 days we spent mostly traveling – our longest drive was 320 miles of bad Canadian roads. Except for a few hours in grocery stores and doing laundry we were within 10 yards of each other for the whole trip – and are still speaking to each other!
     For us it isn’t the destination, but the journey. We enjoy the changing countryside – the trees, hills, lakes and farms. We like to learn about what we are seeing – the geography, birds, landscape and history. We love to arrive at a new campground to check out a new “home.” We like spending so much time outdoors – either sightseeing or just hanging out around the campsite.
     We agreed that we would go back to see more of Vermont and New Hampshire, but not Acadia or Cape Cod. They were great, but there are many other places to go to. My favorite campground was called Moorings and was right on the ocean. Favorite food was the Succotash soup at Old Sturbridge Village. We agree that the highlight of the trip was our ride on Maid of the Mist.
     I hope you have the chance to do this sometime. Be sure to travel with an interesting and compatible companion. Be ready to change your plans according to the weather and your energy level. Get a good map and a GPS. Find a skillful, unflappable, patient driver/mechanic. Put a great, cushy mattress pad on your bed. Bring lots of books and a good camera. Keep a journal and record both the big events and the small pleasures. It is just wonderful to look back and revisit a great trip. I enjoyed all of your comments and was delighted to be able to share some of our experiences with you. I look forward to seeing you all in person.

1 comment:

Paape Family said...

as always it was great to "take a trip" with you and Uncle Rick again this year! Glad you are home safe :)