Sunday, September 13, 2009

Cape Cod National Seashore

     It started as a foggy day, but finally the rain had stopped. Our goal today was to get to Chatham Beach. We saw on the news that hundreds of seals were on the beach and several great white sharks were cruising the water off-shore. The beaches were closed to swimmers.
     So we drove out on Hwy 28 along the south shore of Cape Cod. It was ugly – shabby old motels, crumbling shopping strip malls, closed fast food shops. But when we got to Chatham we got out along Shore Road and could see wonderful old Cape Cod houses and miles of white sand beach. We did see some seals but no sharks.
     The road continued to follow the shore and was more what we thought we would see on Cape Cod. We toured the Visitor Center at Salt Pond and learned that we were right where Marconi had set up the first station in 1901 for transmitting wireless messages across the Atlantic. This changed the world of communications forever. There is nothing between these beaches and England.
     We headed to the beach and I sat in the sand, watched the surfers, and became one with the sea. Rick toured the lighthouse. The sun came out and I tested the really cold Atlantic water up to my ankles. I wasn’t interested in meeting a shark. Did I tell you that I really love the ocean – especially when the surf is high!

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