Saturday, September 19, 2009

Ups and Downs in Upstate New York

     Down: The day started dark and cold – oh wait there was sun, it was just so shady in our campsite it looked like it was really cloudy. It WAS near freezing over night and I DID forget to turn on the water heater so I got the cold wash instead of a hot shower. Up: But then we were on the road and the sun was shining in a clear blue sky.
     Down: After using our GPS to get to our campground, off to Sturbridge and then back to the campground, suddenly it could not find a satellite and we had to guess our way back to the freeway. Why didn’t we have a map? Because we never did find a Massachusetts map until today when we were looking for a New York map. Up: We found the freeway and navigated through Albany without incident.
     Up: The drive on I90 was glorious. We went through the Berkshires and Appalachian mountains – crossing the Appalachian Trail. The leaves are turning on the hillsides and it was beautiful. When we came down into the valley we followed the Erie Canal for many miles. Do you know when and why it was created? It goes from Lake Erie to Albany using the Mohawk, Oswego, Seneca, Clyde river valleys. It opened in 1835 and opened up commerce to what was the “west” at that time. Now it is used mostly for pleasure boats.
     Here is the last and biggest Down: We pulled into lunch and some RV’ers behind us said that we had one brake light, a good left turn signal, and four flashers for a right turn. Hmm – it was working OK when we checked it before leaving this morning. So now we need to find an RV repair place in Niagara. Pooh!
     Up: Our campground tonight is on a nice grassy field with some trees and lots of sun! After 7 days of camping in places that were dark and shady the sun is wonderful.
"I've got a mule, and her name is Sal, Fifteen miles on the Erie canal, She's a good ol' worker and a good ol' pal, Fifteen miles on the Erie canal, We've hauled some barges in our day, Filled with lumber coal and hay, And every inch of the way we know, From Albany to Buffalo. Low bridge everybody down, Low bridge for we're comin' to a town, And you always know your neighbor, You'll always know your pal, If you've ever navigated on the Erie canal"

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