Sunday, September 20, 2009

Canadian Side of Niagara Falls

     Very chilly last night – I actually had to get up and turn the heat on. But this morning it was bright and sunny. We were in a bit of a hurry to get to Niagara because I found a mobile RV repair service that works on Sundays and comes to the campground we are staying at in Niagara. After an anxious but short drive, we parked at our new campground home. We called the RV repair place and were told he was so busy he couldn’t work on the RV until Tuesday. However, he gave Rick a bunch of ideas on what to check. We messed around for an hour with me pressing the brakes and turn signals while Rick checked the connection on the truck. He didn’t find any shorts or problems. Then Rick hooked the RV back to the truck and shazamm! – it all worked. Don’t know why. We didn’t make any changes. So now we will keep a close eye on the lights and cross our fingers.
     With the signal problems on the back burner, we decided to check out the sights on the Canadian side of the Falls. First we had to get across the bridge and through Customs. There must have been a lot of Canadians in the US this week because the wait was about 45 minutes. The view of the Falls from the Canadian side was amazing. We were impressed with the nice job that the Canadians have done in creating a beautiful green parkway along the views of the falls. It was quite nice to walk along and take pictures.
     There seemed to be visitors from all over the world – I couldn’t even guess at some of the languages. It was so busy for a Sunday in September I can’t imagine coming here during the busy time of the year. We got some good pictures with a nice blue sky background. Then we crossed back over the bridge and through US customs – only a 15 minute process.
     Tomorrow we plan to take the boat trip although it is supposed to be cloudy. We’ll see. Maybe the weather will fix itself like the truck did. Fingers crossed now so I can’t type anymore.

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