Thursday, September 10, 2009

JFK Library

     The JFK Library sits on a point of land in Boston Bay. We saw the beautiful white and glass building as we took our Ferry ride into Boston. So we decided to take a tour of the Library today. Since the building is not “downtown” Boston we thought we would drive there rather than take the MBTA. So I programmed the GPS to get us there.
     The Boston area has hundreds of twisted streets that change names every couple blocks. Intersections are almost NEVER at 90 degrees but at crazy angles so cars pull out from all directions. Traffic is always heavy and drivers seem to ignore traffic laws and general common sense. I could not live here.
    Anyway, we drove to the Library and only got off track once. The building and exhibits are very impressive and really hit home with people of our generation. We can remember the events quite clearly – the election process, the civil rights actions, the Cuban Missile crisis and, of course, the assassination. The exhibit emphasized many of the very positive and inspirational aspects of JFK’s life including formation of the Peace Corps and his many memorable books and speeches. Film clips and TV footage are used extensively – parts of the debates between JFK and Nixon, recordings during the decision-making during the Cuban missile crisis, and JFK speaking at his inauguration, in Berlin at the Wall, and talking to the Press Corps. We really enjoyed it.
     We finished at the Library by early afternoon and went on a search for a new mirror extension for the truck. One of the annoying Boston drivers clipped it and broke it while making a very close pass by us. I found an RV parts dealer on my PDA and put the address into the GPS. I also looked at the map and thought I knew better than the GPS how to get there. I didn’t. We drove 16 miles on winding busy roads and ultimately found the place – which did NOT have the right mirror. The dealer sent us to another RV place only 5 miles away which DID have a mirror that will work. Then we drove another 30 minutes back to the camper and we spent the rest of the day happy to be out of traffic in our peaceful island of green space.

1 comment:

Paape Family said...

such adventures you are having! I would love to visit the JFK library someday!