Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Into the White Mountains

      We are in a campground on the border between Vermont and New Hampshire in the beautiful White Mountains. It is getting dark early as the sun sets behind the hills. It has been another really great day of being on the road.
     We left Montreal in sunshine and good spirits. The traffic was light and we were headed back to territory where I can read the emergency road signs! The road to the border was bumpy as it seems most Canadian highways are, but the line to go through customs was short. The border agents were jovial and the line moved right along until we were asked if we had any firewood. Well, yes, we have been carrying some firewood we bought in a campground on our last trip to the Southwest. Rick and the border guard looked at it and found – BARK! So no bringing it into the US – despite the fact that we bought it there originally. We were sent back to Canada and told to drive to the nearest exit and dump it in the ditch. Ah well, it was only a mile back to an exit so we made our loop, dumped the firewood, and went back through customs with no more hassle.
     It was such a quick visit to customs that we found ourselves at our campground by 2 pm. We took advantage of the lovely day, set our lawn chairs out in the sun and enjoyed the wonderful view of the White Mountains. The campground is huge and almost deserted so it was perfectly warm, quiet and relaxing. We visited a maple sugar shop across the highway and tasted several kinds of maple syrup – had to buy some, of course – yum.
     We are making good headway through the pile of books that I brought along. Canadian television was really poor. I brought along two sets of the TV show 24 and we have been watching one episode each evening. Our other entertainment is walking around the campground talking with other retired folks who are traveling and watching amateurs try to park their RV’s. People are really friendly and we have picked up tips on what to see and do as usual.
     Today the mountains, tomorrow we see the ocean! The best of all worlds.

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