Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Big Rain

“Rain on the rooftops, rain on the ground, rain on the greeny grass all around.”
      24 hours later it is STILL raining. We packed up the RV this morning in medium rain – there was about 2” of standing water around our campsite so I was happy to have my trusty rubber boots. We took off for our short drive to Cape Cod in light rain.
     We arrived at Peter’s Pond Campground and had about an hour without rain to set up the RV and eat lunch. We decided to do a little exploring of the neighborhood, so we drove to nearby Sandwich, MA – home of beautiful Sandwich Glass.
     Rick got a much needed haircut while I shopped for groceries. When we got outside again it was pouring. We drove back to the campground and debated whether we should wait out the torrents or just run for it. We decided we were already wet and ran to the camper. 6 hours later it is still just pouring. There are flood warnings and high surf warnings, but we are safe and dry in our camper parked on the highest end of the campground. Thank goodness for cable TV, good books, hot tea, and my blog.

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