Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Exhaustin’ Boston

     Hingham has a commuter ferry service to downtown Boston. It was a 35 minute ride with some great views – a convenient way to get to Boston without the traffic. Once there we bought a ticket on a trolley tour of the major sights.
     Our first stop was on the North End where we saw one of the earliest cemeteries in the New World. Very interesting to see headstones from the 1600’s including one for Cotton Mather. Then we walked to the Old North Church where Paul Revere hung the lantern to worn that the British were coming. Paul Revere’s house is in the same neighborhood.
     We hopped back on the bus and went to the U.S. Naval yards where the U.S.S. Constitution is the oldest commissioned naval boat in the world. We were able to tour the inside to see the crew’s quarters and the level with all the cannons. It wasn’t a very big space for the 500 men who worked on the ship when it was a fighting vessel.
     We toured a couple more stops on the trolley to get back to Rowe’s Wharf where the ferry lands. It was much busier on the way back to Hingham at rush hour. The ferry has WIFI, a snack bar with coffee and beer, and tables so that commuters can read their email on the way home. Many town house units are going up around the ferry yard. They are being built on the site of an old ship building factory which employed 25,000 people during WWII.
     We spent the evening watching the clock and hoping it was time for bed. Yawn.

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