Sunday, September 6, 2009

Day 12 The Quiet side of Acadia

     On our last day at Acadia we explored the “quiet side” of the island. Once again we had a perfect sunny day for our driving. We found some beautiful little harbors and coves. In 1947 a huge fire destroyed many of the huge “camps” (cabins?) of the rich folks who came to Bar Harbor for their summers. This included John D. Rockefeller, Jr who built many of the roads and 16 stone-faced bridges in the park.
     Today many of the big houses are near Northeast Harbor so we drove around the neighborhoods and saw some of the great places. They all seem to have great wrap-around porches with plenty of wicker furniture, big bay windows with pillows on top of the window seats piled against the panes, fancy cupolas and sun rooms. I could live in any of them.
     We spent time wandering around the harbors and dreaming about sailing off into the Atlantic on one of the beautiful sailboats or puttering around the harbor on a beautifully varnished wooden cruiser. There were some really big boats there – we thought about stowing away on one but hopped back in the truck instead and drove to still one more lighthouse in Bass Harbor.
     When we returned to the campground we spent a little time sitting out in our lawn chairs, but the cool front is moving in, the days are getting shorter and we needed to pack up all the stuff we took out during our stay here in Bar Harbor. Tomorrow we hit the road again.

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