Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Big Timber, Montana

     Big TImber campground is set between the Bear Tooth Mountains and the Crazy Mountains.  We could see the 11,000' plus peaks shining in the sun as we drove from Billings to our campground.  There is a lot of snow on those peaks.  We followed the Yellowstone River much of the way today.  It is wide and muddy like the Missouri that we crossed yesterday. 

We stopped for a break near Rosebud this morning.  It is an area that Lewis and Clark passed as they navigated the Yellowstone River.  The banks are quite muddy, but then there is a lot of nice farmland in the Yellowstone Valley.  The bluffs and buttes turned into foothills outside of Billings and suddenly we could see lots of big pines.  Forest fires went through here a few years ago so there is a lot of burned areas but still many of the old pines left.  Really beautiful country (but then I say that about everything except for Nevada!)  This is where I took the picture of the wildflower.  Does anyone know what it is?  There were lots of them.
     It is much nicer tonight after sitting out some very stormy weather last night.  We had cable TV reception so we could watch the storms approach and were ready to head for the laundry room at the campground if the storms turned worse.   We had quite a blow (that rocked the trailer) for a short time  and some rain.  Then the temperature dropped so it was cooler by the time we went to bed.  Today we are having some hot dogs on the grill and beer.  YUM!

1 comment:

Waukenabogirl said...

Marlene says that the wild flower is a soap seed yucca - she wins the prize today. Thanks, Marlene