Friday, June 18, 2010

Two more days

     Well we are almost ready to go.  We finally got the trailer turn signals working correctly (problem was on the truck, not the trailer) and found the walkie talkies and charger after Rick bought a new set.  Seems like each time we get ready to go we start looking for these.  When we return this year we are going to put them in Rick's office.  They are invaluable when we have an especially tricky camping spot to back into.  When the truck is running Rick can't hear me shouting from where I need to stand behind the trailer.  It is important for him to hear me yell, "stop, there is a rock, tree, picnic table, etc."
    Today I clean the house a bit so that we return to a tidy place.  I am always happy to be home to my lovely house.  Soon we will be in our little house - setting up each night in a different neighborhood and checking out new neighbors.  We have the long series "Winds of War" to watch if it rains and a pile of good books.  Rick is reading the huge Ken Follett books about a 14th century cathedral builder.  I have a pile of mysteries and hope to pick up more books along the way.  Most campgrounds have good used book exchanges for folks like me.
     As I talk to friends it is clear that our desire to be on the road for over a month and spend time with each other for so long is unusual.  We are lucky that we can live our dreams together.   Next post will be from North Dakota!

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