Monday, June 21, 2010

Glendive, Montana

     We met a couple from Oregon last night and visited with them for a long time - they were traveling with 90 year old parents and needed a break.  They gave us some information about things to see and do by the Columbia Gorge.  It is always so much fun to talk with other campers.  They said it is a very cool early summer in Oregon, but the weather may easily warm up a lot in a week - sounds like Minnesota.      We had an easy start this morning after heading back one exit to get gas.  We always need to plan ahead to find diesel in a station that has room for our length and height.  Most of stations along the interstate are designed for big trucks so they work out great.  When we are off the beaten path it is more of a challenge.
     Just a few more miles down the road and Rick said something mild like, "Whoops, that truck just lost it's cover."  I looked up and a big canvas cover and it's cranking mechanism blew off a large dump truck and was mostly across two lanes of the freeway.  We were able slow down and shift to the left shoulder to get around it.  Rick then pulled over and ran back to drag it off the road.  We then drove up to where the truck had pulled off to tell the driver that we had moved the cover off the road, but he hightailed it up an exit.
     The rest of the day was great.  Weather forecast was for big storms, but it is sunny and beautiful.  We stopped at the edge of Theodore Roosevelt National Park to look out over the badlands and have a picnic lunch.  The landscape is buttes, cattle, oil rigs and rolling grassland.  Our campground is too near the freeway, but we are happy to be done for the day and Rick gets a nice break.

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