Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Getting Ready for Oregon

     We leave for Oregon in 12 days.  Our trip will take nearly 6 weeks - Heading west through North Dakota and Montana to Oregon.  We will visit several historic spots along the Lewis and Clark Expedition, spend time along the Columbia River gorge, stop for a few days in Portland, camp along the wild Oregon coast, visit at least two national parks - Crater Lake in Oregon and Redwood in California, and then return through Boise, Idaho.
     I have the full itinerary set, many books and maps, and a bunch of checklists for food, clothing, and other trip essentials.  We worked on getting the RV ready this weekend - time to wash and wax it, cleaned out the cupboards, and checked all the supplies.  Matt and Amanda stayed in Memorial Day weekend with their kids so Amanda did a bunch of the spring cleaning - Thanks Amanda.
     Weather seems like it will be a challenge for this trip - possibly very, very hot on the plains, very wet along the coast, and very cool in the higher elevations (Crater Lake).  I am relieved to know that we have plenty of space for carrying multiple sets of clothing, rain gear, and warm jackets.
     This trip we are lucky to be meeting family and friends along the way.  My brother, Mark, and Joyce are joining us in Portland.  We will be visiting several former scout friends there as well.  My quilting friend, Jo, is meeting us for a visit to the biggest outdoor quilt show at Sisters, Oregon.  On the way home we will visit family and friends in Boise. Anyone else want to join us?
     I have a new camera this year and have been practicing taking pictures.  It has a good zoom so maybe we will get some better wildlife photos.  I will post the best ones.   I look forward to your comments.

1 comment:

Paape Family said...

one of these trips Cory, the boys and I (or maybe just myself :)) would love to come meet you on vacation!

Can't wait to read about your adventures!