Friday, June 25, 2010

Cascade Locks, Oregon

We followed the Columbia River from just outside Pasco along the Washington State side.  Then we crossed the river as it narrowed and became "the Columbia Gorge."  Initially the landscape was dry, treeless, rolling hills.  Eventually we noticed many acres of grapes growing along the slopes.  Huge houses topped the hills in a few spots.
    After crossing the river the bluffs became more rugged and covered with pine trees.  It was a sunny day and we could see Mount Hood sticking up in the distance like a huge white snow cone.  It is one of a long line of volcanoes going from Washington to California, including Mt. St. Helens.  The river was choppy.   The further west we drove the stronger the wind blew.  We saw lots of sail boarders and kite boarders on the river.
     Our campground is about halfway down the Gorge - 40 miles from Portland.  It is squeezed in between the interstate and the train which runs along the river.  It is heavily shaded with big pines and a lot less windy away from the river just a bit.  Seemed really nice until the first train went by blowing its whistle very loudly.  The trains come about once an hour - we'll see how well the earplugs work!
    We drove back across the river on the Bridge of the Gods (in the distance on this picture) to an interpretive center to learn a little bit about the area.  Then we took a suggestion from Joyce's sister and went to Skamania Lodge to sit out on the terrace and admire the river - It would be a beautiful spot to stay if we weren't camping.  We stopped at the site of the old Cascade Lock and watched the local fishermen- they weren't catching much.  Now we are finishing the day with our first campfire as we watch the sun set and listen to the trains.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Truly sublime! Your photos take my breath away and leave in in awe. I am definitely adding the photos to my dream board as a must go to destination! Thank you for sharing your spectacular travels...I feel as if I am traveling with you!