Wednesday, April 1, 2015

A Boggle of Boys

     Cousins Zach and Drew, who are ardent softball players and who were in Fort Myers with their parents to see the Minnesota Twins, stopped by to visit today.  Five boys played in the warm Sanibel water and then swam in the pool.  They had fun playing on the floats in the pool and having water fights.  It was lucky that we had the pool to ourselves.  
It was a big day for boys, but Stella had a great time too.  I took her into the pool and she was an immediate fan of jumping off the side into my arms.  She was annoyed that I wouldn't just let her jump in on her own.  A girl after my own dolphin heart.
    We left the kids with the men and went off to do a little shopping.  I introduced Amanda and Marlene to the lovely outdoor shopping mall - Periwinkle Place.  The shops surround a courtyard with fountains and flowers.  There is a covered boardwalk with lots of benches so that gentlemen have a comfortable while the ladies shop.  There were a few shops with some handmade jewelry, wind chimes, garden art, hand woven scarves and throws, etc. etc.  Lots of really pretty stuff, including some beautiful resort clothes, but very expensive!
     Marlene, Amanda's mom likes plants and gardening so we have been really enjoying the variety of plants that we don't see in Minnesota.  We researched the one in front of the condo between us and the beach only to discover that the most common large bush is called a Sea Grape.  They have a big root network and help to stabilize the sand dunes.  They are very tolerant of windy conditions and produce a sweet grapelike fruit in late summer.  They also provide shelter for nesting turtles and for the little snowy egrets.  The dunes provide protection for the buildings.
    I really admire the Norfolk Island pines growing in many yards.   The needles are very dark green and the branches so symmetric that they look like artficial Christmas trees. They can grow quite tall and provide good nesting for osprey.  Although we see osprey at the cabin there are large numbers here and often can be seen carrying fish that are as big as they are.  We are lucky to be here in the spring when everything is in bloom.  Our pool has floating red flowers every time the wind blows.  It is so pretty.
     We have just two days left with the family.  Time really flies.

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