Sunday, April 12, 2015

Redbud Roadway

    The good thing about going backwards through the season is that we are driving through the coming of spring again and can enjoy the hillsides covered with redbuds all across Tennessee and Kentucky.  Beautiful.  The rest of the day was just tiring.  We spent an hour going about four miles due to an accident where a truck had gone off the road and partway into a river.  Dozens of wreckers and rescue equipment working for hours to try to pull the truck back up the bank.  While we crawled by.
     We probably won't drive all the way to Key West again, but I would really like to come back to this area.  Maybe a tour of Tennessee whiskey distilleries or some camping in "The Land Between the Lakes."
     It has been an epic trip.  So much time with family.  I just love it.  It was a great way to get out of Minnesota during the endless transition from winter to spring.  I saw on a web cam that a lot of ice is off Lake Mille Lacs so soon it will be cabin time. I'm thinking of all the fun in store for us this summer. 
     For now though, we're tired.  We have completed 1500 of a 2000 mile drive home.  Rick has been snoring since eight although he hangs on to his IPad as though he is reading.  I look like I've been "rode hard and put away wet."  I need a haircut, a night's sleep in my own bed, and some different clothes.  I'm sick of the same set - worn, washed, worn again.  I want to sleep late, take a walk, sew.  I want to be home and tomorrow we will be.  Yeah.  See you soon.


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