Thursday, April 2, 2015

Captain Paul's Yacht Charters

     We had such a fun today.  Arik found a charter yacht online where we would be the only ones on the boat, so we all spent the day out on the water.   Captain Paul is a retired New York cop who used to work as an underwater recovery specialist.  He has a 44 foot yacht with two bedrooms and two bathrooms.  He was happy to take on our crazy group that included a very adventuresome toddler, three wild boys, three fit adults and three grandparents.
     His yacht is moored on a canal behind his house in Cape Coral.  We motored slowly through the canal system to protect the manatees.  There were lots of houses for sale along the canals, many with huge screened rooms over beautiful pools.  Maybe someone in the family will win the lottery and buy one.  They all seem to also have big boats and wave runners.  Plenty of room and toys for the whole family.
     We ate bagels and cream cheese and drank coffee while the boys explored the boar.  We had them put on life jackets and keep them on all day.  They were eager to see how to drive the boat and wanted to talk Captain Paul's ears off.  The adults relaxed on the shaded "porch" on the stern.  Stella wanted to go every where the boys went - too brave for her own good.
     We anchored just off a small island for some fishing.  The boys (big and small) all baited up hooks with shrimp and tried to catch a shark.  Stella was very crabby by then and I managed to get her to settle and close her eyes.  Soon the motion of the boat and the warmth of the day knocked her out.  
     Everyone was getting hot so Captain Paul moved the boat closer to the island and brought us to the beach for some swimming and shelling.  Grandma Marlene decided not to go swimming so we got Stella settled on her lap on a couch while the rest of us played in the water.  With everyone off the boat Stella got some quiet time.
     We had the option of extending our four hour cruise and so after lunch we went back out for more fishing.  Captain Paul was just great with the kids and gave them so much encouragement.  Bennett and Carter both caught fish and were just thrilled.  As we headed back to port Captsin Paul cleaned the small whitefish for us.  
     We finished our day with some grilled veggies, white fish and a lot of leftovers.  No one can believe that tomorrow is our last day here.  We are all hoping to return another time for more fun.  The other families staying in these townhomes have been here year after year.  It is just a slice of paradise.

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