Friday, April 10, 2015

Gainesville, Florida

     We are one quarter of the way home.  The drive was long and hot.  Going north on a week day on the Overseas Highway was about three times faster than driving south.  Even so, much of the Highway has a 45 mile an hour speed limit and many little communities to drive through slowly.  One also has to "beware of crocodiles crossing."  I bet most folks have never seen that sign.  I looked and looked for a crocodile, but just never saw one.
     Once we hit the Florida Turnpike around Miami we were in a wild free-for-all of driving with folks crossing four lanes of traffic at 80 MPH.  Rick said that it was the Miami drug dealers trying to get to a sell.  All the Turnpike service areas are in the center between the north and south bound traffic which means that you have to get into the left lane of traffic moving at about 90.  Getting back into that fast lane is a test of nerves.  Rick did well and I closed my eyes.  The service centers had about 400 cars in the parking lot and so many people lined up for food it was like the State Fair.  When we stopped for gas at the end of the day the lines for pumps were four deep.  What a mess.
    We drove past Orlando and Rick said that we should have stopped at Disney.  I can't think of many worse things than fighting huge crowds in 90 degree weather.  So no, we did not stop at Disney.  And yes, Charlotte, we felt lucky that our car air conditioner was working.
    We got to Gainesville after 6 and decided to eat before finding a motel so we could just crash when we got in.  Dinner was great, but there was no room at the inn when we tried to check in.  We are right by the University and there is some sort of freshman football game going on.  We were sent to a local hotel which is quite nice, but getting one of the last two rooms means we are looking at a brick wall just three feet away.  Don't care.  I'll have my eyes closed soon.
    I said goodbye to the ocean.  Farewell to my lovely pool.  But we are on our way Home after a month of travel and all is good.

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