Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Schooner America 2.0

Well, it's not far down to paradise, at least it's not for me
And if the wind is right you can sail away and find tranquility
Oh, the canvas can do miracles, just you wait and see
Believe me
Sailing takes me away to where I've always heard it could be
Just a dream and the wind to carry me
And soon I will be free
   The Schooner America 2.0 took us away today.  The America is modeled after the winner of the first “America’s Cup” of 1851, Schooner America. The modern version of the boat is a very lightweight, 105', two masted wooden schooner.  She is very fast and very stable.  It was a perfect day to be out on the water; sunny and breezy.  We have taken other rides on sailboats but they mostly used the engine rather than the sails.  This time we were promised that we would be under sail and that we could help with the boat.  Rick enjoyed helping hoist the sails and steer the boat.  
     We went out of the harbor, across the big bay and into the Atlantic.  There is a definite line between the cloudy turquise of the bay and the deep blue of the ocean.  We were moving right along under full sail at a pretty good angle.  For a while there were some four foot waves and we swooped over them.  It was just great.  We were just ninety miles from Cuba.  We were told that the lights of Havanna can be seen in the sky on a clear night.  
     The day sail offered beer and soft drinks, and some fresh fruit.  We had a few snacks with us as well but it didn't amount to lunch so we decided on a late lunch/early dinner at the Turtle Kraal Bar right on the waterfront.  As we watched folks coming into the marina, we wondered where all the scruffy looking skinny, old guys in beat-up skiffs were coming from.  The boats in the marina were all very big, expensive and fancy.  I can't believe thst any of these guys either worked on or owned any of the boats.  It's a mystery.  
    Cockfighting was a sport brought to the island by the Cubans.  When it was outlawed a bunch of chickens were let loose on the island.  They are everywhere.  Including the open air restaurant.  As we were eating, a hen and five chicks ran through several times.  The chickens are very fast.  We haven't seen any that have been run over.
     We started the day at the Truman "Little White House."  This was originally the Commandant's  house at the Navy Base, but Harry came here often to relax.  The house had most of yhe original furnishings from the 1970 remodel and was a very familiar time warp.  Other presidents have come here too including the Kennedys after the Cuban Missile Crisis when he came to thank the troops.  The  beaches on the island were all closed with heavy barbed wire during this scary period.
     We ended the day in the pool and then on our lovely little deck with a glass of wine and some cheese and crackers.  Just one more day and then we head home to chilly weather.

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