Monday, September 24, 2012

America's Historic Triangle

   After arriving at our very nice KOA outside of Williamsburg we took went for a drive and some shopping. The first thing I noticed was that all the modern shops - Walmart, gas stations, even Burger King are hidden behind a lot of greenery and are built of brick or stone.  It just looks so nice.  We drove right past Target but I saw the large parking lot and guessed that was where we were headed.  Target is the same here as everywhere EXCEPT I found a nice assortment of wine AND despite the fact that it is Sunday, I was able to purchase it.  Come on Minnesota, get out of the dark ages!
    We will be staying in this area called The Historic Triangle for 6 days.  Yorktown, Williamsburg, and Jamestown are all within 20 miles.  The first permanent English settlers sent by the Virginia Company of London were at Jamestown. Many ideas and concepts of the revolution were promoted in Williamsburg. American independence was won in the final victory at Yorktown.  We will be visiting each of these historic sites during our time here.
    We are staying in a very large KOA about 8 miles outside of Williamsburg.  Lots of big trees (mostly oak and full of acorns which can be quite startling when they drop on top of the camper).  We worked a bit with the check-in clerk to get a nice, level, somewhat shady site.  We set up the chairs and picnic table and settled in for a few days.  Our home away from home.

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