Saturday, September 15, 2012

Pennsylvania peace

   We are camped in a narrow valley in Pennsylvania.  It seemed that as soon as we drove across the border from Ohio we left flat farmland behind and started climbing over long ridges.  In my usual passion to know about where we are going I found an app for my phone that tells me the altitude so I could watch us climb and then roll down the hills.  We got up to 1243 feet today after starting at about 650.
     Our drive across Ohio and a little bit of Pennsylvania was easier than the Chicago marathon. (I was so tired last night I forgot that we had also crossed Indiana). Although we drove around Toledo, Cleveland, and Pittsburgh today there wasn't much traffic - the benefit of doing this on a weekend.
    When we stopped for gas we discovered that there are several "Service plazas" on the Ohio turnpike that have overnight parking for RVs.  So, if you like, you can gas up, eat, and sleep without ever leaving the toll road.  That may be a good idea since it cost us $35 in tolls to cross the state.  This seemed like a bargain when we paid $14.10 for what amounted to 16 miles on the Pennsylvania turnpike.  A vacation going east is less driving, but the cost increases with the price to drive on all the toll roads.  At least gas is still under $4.

   We arrived at our campsite by mid-afternoon.  Plenty of time to set out our lawn chairs and enjoy a little sun.  We had an official sticking new states onto the U.S. map on our door, and then brought out the grill for a hot dog dinner.  I got a chance to chat with my sons and to meet Carter's new puppy via Skype.  I love being able to keep in touch with my family as we enjoy being on the road!

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