Friday, September 21, 2012

Taking the RIGHT road

     When planning a trip I use many tools to decide at which campground we will stay.   Sometimes there is little choice because we are driving between points.  When we stay in a big tourist area I look at reviews, amenities, and location.  We are located now just outside of Charlottesville, Virginia near Jefferson's home of Monticello. After deciding on the campground I put the address into the GPS and then double check the route by map.  All looked good until I was looking at the KOA book which warned: "Do not trust your GPS! It sends you down a very rough and steep road.  Use our directions."  So we ignored the GPS, took the campground directions and got to the campground easily.
    We travel slowly with lots of quiet time.  It gives me a lot of time to think, read, and write.  I remember lots of times I traveled with my family and times that Rick and I have traveled with our sons.  I remember so many nice little things: a meal together, a hike, a funny comment, campfire stories.  Unless I think hard, I don't recall wrong turns, bad weather, grumpy words.
    So here is my philosophical light bulb thought for the day. Why spend so much time worrying about wrong turns in life?  Leave behind the shoulda, coulda, woulda.  Think today of at least one choice that you made in life that was the RIGHT turn.  A decision that may have seemed small at the time but has made a good difference for you.
   I'll go first:  When my niece, Becky, was born I saw a picture of a quilt in a magazine.  It was a huge elephant and came with a pattern and directions.  I decided to make it for the coming baby.  It was a difficult, big project.  I had never quilted before and I had a lot to learn to make it work.  But, that project began my love of quilting and gave me a hobby that brings me endless pleasure.
   We made our right turn today and now we are enjoying a warm and sunny afternoon outside our camper on our lawn chairs.  We added West Virginia, Maryland and Virginia to our U.S. map.  We've had a glass of wine and watched our camping neighbors set up an elaborate patio with sparkle lights and carpet.  Such a good day.  What is one of your "right" turns?

1 comment:

Paape Family said...

I never knew that my precious elephant quilt helped develop your love for quilting! Lots of love to you!