Thursday, September 13, 2012

Rolling along Wisconsin Hills

     We had a slow start this morning.  We couldn’t find the second set of keys for the camper (my keys).  We looked everywhere and finally gave up – then, of course, I found them as I was warming up the car before hitching it to the camper.  Thank goodness. 
     I had already moved most of the food into the camper, but had to load up the stuff in the refrigerator this morning.  At least the weather is cool today so the frig will cool off fairly quickly.  It has been in the 90’s the last couple short trips that we took and it seemed to take all day to get the refrigerator cold.
     Our 300 mile drive today took us through the rolling hills of Wisconsin.  I was surprised to see so much color in the trees.  Autumn is swiftly approaching.  We had a fairly relaxing drive without any cross wind and not much traffic.  By the time we got to our lunch stop we had settled in to being on the road again.  It feels great – new places to see, lots to learn from visiting historic sites, and some quiet time together.  
     I saw a lot of wild turkeys in the corn fields.  I can't remember ever seeing wild turkeys until the past few years.  Why were they so scarce?  DDT? Hunting?  Now we see them all the time.  The corn looked pretty good despite the drought - maybe its all dried up in the husk.  I don't know.  But with the nice rain everything looked good as we drove south.  Very pretty. 

    Yesterday’s cool, rainy weather from Minnesota is now with us in Eastern Wisconsin.  It was raining when we arrived at the Hidden Valley RV resort and a possible frost is predicted for tonight.  I’ve put an extra blanket on the bed and pulled out the little electric heater.  Campfire weather, and fleece shirts.  I love it.

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