Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Loading up

    I am not as organized as usual for this trip.  We have made quite a few changes in plans - from a Colorado trip (too many fires) to an Appalachian trip and then set the date out by several weeks so we could be around for Jennifer's transplant.  I still don't have any detailed maps for any of the states that we are driving through - Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina (and probably others).  I am at least hoping that I get to check off a couple more states that we have traveled to.
   The camper is now parked in our driveway and clean on the outside thanks to Rick and Kellen.  It was hard to tell Kellen that he wasn't invited on this trip - some day, but not now.  However, I still need to remove some toys and games from summer adventures with Carter and Kellen and put travel books and DVDs more interesting to adults back in - I don't think I can watch "The Incredibles" another time for a while.
    The weather keeps changing and so does my guess on what clothes to bring.  We will be at high altitude in Shenandoah where it is in the 40's at night and also along the southern coast where it is still in the high 80's during the day.  Fortunately we have pretty good storage area so we can cram warm jackets, hat and gloves out of the way until needed.
   This morning I need to shop for maps and food.  This afternoon, with blessedly cooler weather, we will tidy up the inside of the camper and pack in our clothes and non-perishable food. Tonight we sleep in our home bed for the last time for a month and then we are off for an adventure.  Wahoo!

1 comment:

SassyMandaG said...

Not knowing what to pack sounds like a good problem to have. Safe travels. You deserve it!