Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Glacier Point and Mariposa Grove

      Great day of sightseeing! First we drove high in the park to Glacier Point where we could look out over Yosemite Valley. It was quite a drive including through a long tunnel and up and over a pass. It amazes me to see the large RV's that people feel comfortable driving on such narrow, winding roads.
     We had our picnic lunch sitting in the car at a turnout (place where all the really fast cars can pass you when driving on crazy mountain roads). Then went to visit the Mariposa Grove of Sequoias. This grove was the inspiration for setting aside wilderness land as protected park land. The rest of Yosemite (over 100 square miles) was added later.
     We took a tram ride through the grove and learned a lot about the big trees - which are not good for woodworking and were at one time cut down to make toothpicks and similar trivial objects. Some of Yosemite's trees are over 2000 years old. I just love big trees.

1 comment:

Arik said...

The trees in the distance don't look that big, but when you are standing next to them they look huge!