Tuesday, September 16, 2008

National Park #3 - Arches

     It was only a short (150 mile) jaunt to Arches National Park today. Weather is much hotter - 92 this afternoon. We are staying in the town of Moab right outside Arches. It is really a tourist destination and full of campgrounds and motels. Lots of "No vacancy" signs and RVs everywhere. We found a campground with SHADE which is nice although the sites are pretty small and the ground is all dust. But it is home for two nights.
     Since we got in early we headed up the road two miles to Arches. What a fabulous park! The rock formations can't really be seen fully in pictures - they are too vast and amazing. We drove around a bit and got out and then hiked, but the heat and the dry air really take a toll on us quickly. Since it was late afternoon when we were there the shadows were long and really made the pictures show the dramatic difference between sunlight and shadow.
     We went grocery shopping after a dinner out and found dozens of French, German and Dutch tourists all buying water and snacks. We have run into a older couple from Wales a couple times now - very nice and so interested in the Western US.
     Off to fold my laundry now - everything on the road is harder - so I will shut down my laptop after sitting in the laundry room to make use of the very limited wireless in this campground. Tomorrow National Park #4.


Arik said...

The Arches sound awesome. MOAB has been on my list for a while now, but it may have just moved up a notch because of your comments. Glad you both are having fun!

Arik said...

Another thought.... If you feel the need to update the blog, but do not have wireless access you could always write things out in notepad/wordpad and just paste it in when you get a signal.

SassyMandaG said...

I know this is weeks after you left Moab, but Arik just told us yesterday about your travel blog. It's exciting to read where you've been. Christos and I drove through Moab a few years ago on our way to see Gerry and Maura. Although we only stayed long enough for lunch, I've always said that I'd like to go back to Moab someday. It was gorgeous!

Looking forward to reading the rest of your journey.