Sunday, September 28, 2008

Out of the Mountains

     Our itinerary says that today we were going to go to Lake Isabella.  However, after reviewing the trucker's bible on mountain passes, we decided not to go. All roads to this area which also has some of the huge sequoias appear to be really hazardous. One said that the rocks stick out so far on the side of the road that almost all RVs and trucks end up with some damage. No thank you.
     So we headed off to Barstow, California. First we had to wriggle our way out of our tight campsite. Rick was a magician and with only a couple of adjustments to get lined up with the RV and hitched, he carefully pulled out between the rocks and trees and we were free. However, we were told that our spare tire was wiggly and so we needed to get it snugged up before taking off.
    Our drive took us across the Mojave desert and past Edwards Air Force base. We saw a mine as we drove along and I suggested that it must be Borax. Only folks of a certain age would remember 20 Mule Team Borax from the TV show Death Valley Days. Well shortly we came across the "20 Mule Team Road" and then a sign which told us that indeed the mine was Borax.
     We had two big firsts today - It hit over 100 degrees and we started driving East. We are officially on our way home! Our campground is a KOA with some shade trees and a nice pool so we had a cool swim in the early evening. Really nice. Tomorrow Las Vegas.

1 comment:

Arik said...

Ok... I can concede that even though I like the mountain roads that I wouldn't find myself driving down a road where damage was very likely to occur. Sounds like you got your wish for flat though as you traversed the desert.

I wikipedia'd the mule team and found that the TV show was hosted by and stared in by the late Ronald Reagan as one of his last television roles.