Friday, September 26, 2008

Tight squeeze at LodgePole campground

     So we got assigned a new campsite that we could keep for two more days and had to move our RV to a spot that is shorter AND there were three big trees and a bunch of huge rocks to navigate around. The trees wanted to grab the sides of the RV and the rocks kept us from moving forward and back. However, the great Parker got it in within 20 minutes of careful juggling.
     LodgePole is in the middle of the park and it was only a short drive to the Giant Grove of sequoias including the tree named General Sherman. It is impossible to describe the size of these guys. They are built thick and tall. They start by growing quite high in the first years and then after getting to be tall they get thicker and thicker for thousands of years. One of them had a tunnel in it that we drove through. It is hard to believe until you are right up next to them that they can be that big.
    At the end of the afternoon we climbed Moro Rock. It is 313' up stairs and ramps to the top. I should say that I climbed about 2/3 of it and gave up gasping for smoky air, and Rick kept on to the top. Both of us had an amazing view of the valley.
     When we returned to our campground we found it full of weekend campers in tents. Big families enjoying the park. I was happy that the parks are so well used, but really liked it without 10 hours of music from the radio at the campsite next to ours. We have also noticed many Germans traveling. Rick talked to one lady who said they were on a six week vacation through the American West. I would like to see the websites they use to plan the RV rentals and all the campground reservations. It is fun to share this great scenery with them.

1 comment:

Arik said...

What a great picture! It makes it look like you really climbed to the peak of a mountain.