Sunday, September 14, 2008

More Colorado High Passes

     We are definitely in "Rocky Mountain High" country. Rick does not want to hear me sing any more John Denver. Today we headed off to Mesa Verde on a route which promised roads that were manageable by our RV and truck. The drive began fairly flat and then the road became narrow, windy and steep. We climbed to the summit of Wolf Creek Pass at 10,800’ and drove into an area of big rocks, pine trees and running streams that looked like the Black Hills. The drive down from the pass was actually harder as it was much steeper going down than up.
     Our drive was fairly short today – under 200 miles – so we arrived at Mesa Verde National Park in early afternoon. The mesa is huge and high. We could see it from miles away. Sort of mystical and haunting.
     We checked into the park at the entrance and were told that the campground was four miles into the park. Four steep and steeper miles. Rick is a wonderful, calm driver and manages the brakes and transmission perfectly so we don’t overheat. I KNOW that he can manage it all well, but still I am just worn out from holding on to the seat and clamping my jaw shut.
     The campground is pretty empty except for the few sites that have water and electric. The hills rise up all around us even higher than our current 8100’. I am just beat both from the drive and the altitude. We relaxed all afternoon and then took a walk around the campground. Just a ½ mile which was partly uphill has worn me out.
     Once again the minute the sun drops behind the hills it is really chilly. Good sleeping weather.

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