Saturday, September 20, 2008

Too Much Nevada

     I am not eager to return to Nevada. What a boring, dusty, smoky state. Everywhere we stop there are slot machines and smokers - in the gas station, the RV campground office, and the grocery store. Blinking lights with obsessed gamblers smoking madly away.
    So what do we do on these long boring portions of the ride? We ask questions about all sorts of weird things - what is potash? where is route 66? what is in those dozens of double tank trucks drving into Salina, Nevada? Some things we eventually get answers to later on the Internet. I now know what sorghum looks like and it IS what was growing outside Fort Kearny.
     Since we were driving the California trail for many miles we talked a lot about being in a wagon train and driving ever so slowly across such barren, waterless land. This led to talking about Rick's mom driving to California with another army wife to meet up with Henry. We saw a bunch of old cars driving through Canyonlands - 1929-1938 and it brought home what a challenge she took on in driving a little car with another woman all the way across the country to San Louis Obispo, California.
     Tonight we have stopped at a campground in Truckee, California. It has beautiful, big trees. Actually just after leaving Nevada we got to the Lake Tahoe area which is high, full of lakes and streams and trees. I feel like I can breathe again. Tomorrow - Yosemite!

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