Thursday, September 11, 2008

Third Day Sightseeing in Nebraska

     Well it DID rain and I did not get all the windows closed in time so I have a wet book.  It was chilly and rainy as we started out across the rest of Nebraska. Our first goal is to get to North Platte to stop at the Golden Spike Tower which is a huge Union Pacific Rail yard. It handles 15,000 railway cars every 24 hours. This was a big deal for Rick to see and I enjoyed it too. We went up in a tower and looked out over nearly 3000 acres of rails and cars getting repaired, moved around and readied for going east or west.
     After leaving North Platte we headed further west on I80 along the Pony Express Route. Much of this follows along the river valley which was fairly pretty. It is clear that fall is coming and things are dry but the hills are covered with yellow and purple flowers along with the gray green sage and gold grasses so it is really beautiful.
     I managed a couple of phone calls with my consulting job today and got some work done this afternoon so things are still moving along ok with the job while I am on the road. We will have internet access for a couple more days and then go into the dark while we are in state and national parks over the weekend.
     We stopped today in Sterling, Colorado at a dusty, deserted little campground which has some decent shade trees and is far enough away from the Interstate that we will once again have a peaceful night. Still very cool - we had to close up all windows when the sun went down.
     Life on the road is good.

1 comment:

Arik said...

Sounds like if you want to travel through the campground circuit that this is the time of year to do it to avoid all the crowds. Although, I imagine it can be interesting to see and meet all the people along the way, I think my preference would be the quiet and serenity that goes with an empty campground.