Thursday, September 18, 2008

Utah Desert high country

     First - I put some pictures into the previous posts now that I have better Internet access. And thanks for the comments - I miss everyone so much it seems like you are with us on the trip.
     We thought we had a shortcut today but saw a sign which warned to "expect road construction delays" so we went the longer route - I70 - which went through some really odd country. After seeing signs that said "No services for 100 miles" we headed into a high desert with huge walls of rock called "reefs" on the edges. There were only low desert bushes and a few short trees for miles and miles. The junk on the ground was light crumbly stuff that looked like ash. The road went up and up and then down and down. Too much to relax while driving, but too boring to be really interesting.
    Then the road went up through a high pass and there were trees, water and signs of fall everywhere. The bushes on the hills are now red and the Aspens are yellow. Really beautiful! We drove as far as Provo, UT - Isn't that where Donny and Marie Osmond are from? I am now humming songs from their greatest hits. Our campground tonight is why we are on the road - lovely grassy site with nice trees and a good view of the mountains. AND TV and Internet. We have not had TV or newpaper all week and missed the anxiety about the stock market completely. Sometimes ignorance IS bliss.

1 comment:

Arik said...

I can imagine the look on Dad's face with you humming along all day. Just a thought though.... just make sure that it is loud enough to be considered humming and not 'droning'. It would be strange to see one of you come home 'al la Greyhound'.