Sunday, July 4, 2010

Astoria, Oregon

     Mark and Joyce met us at the site of historic Fort Clatsop where Lewis and Clark finally got to the  Pacific Ocean.  It was a pretty small place for the 33 men, Sacagawea and her child.  I can't say that I would have been happy spending a rainy Oregon winter there, but they had much more uncomfortable quarters across the river camping at the "Dismal Nitch" among the rocks before they were able to cross to higher, wooded land where they built the fort.
    After touring the small fort we drove through Astoria, over a very high bridge across the Columbia and through some little fishing towns.  We stopped at Cape Disappointment, "The edge of the continent," where we could look out across the Pacific.  It must have been an awesome site for Lewis and Clark and the other first explorers as well - to finally achieve their goal.  We took lots of pictures and had a picnic lunch before heading back along the coast.
    Our first stop was at Sunset Beach for a short hike (my knee and I stayed back) and then a drive on the beach.  There were dozens of people and cars on the wide, hard, flat beach.  They were flying big kites, sitting around campfires and a few brave folks were in the water - still pretty cool!  I have always wanted to drive onto a beach - too many beach movies as a teenager!
    We left the beach and drove back to Nehalem Bay, stopping at many overlooks for pictures of the Haystack rocks at Cannon Beach.   Competitive as always, Mark suggested a photo contest.  I am sure that I won!  What do you think?
    Rick noticed a fresh fish shop so we stopped to buy salmon for dinner which Mark grilled to perfection.  After setting up the tent  we went over the dunes so Mark and Joyce could dip their toes in the Pacific.  We tried to get some sunset photos on the beach but a few stray clouds had wandered in.  Still it was a perfect evening - sitting on the beach with family and listening to the soft roar of the waves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really, really nice photo..