Sunday, July 25, 2010

Blue Angel Birthday

     Monday is Rick's birthday and I was worried that it would not be a fun day, what with trying to get the part for the trailer and get it installed.  So today, Sunday, I thought that we needed to do something fun.  We decided to drive to Idaho Falls  and stay overnight so that we can pick up the part in the morning and then drive back.
    Our drive to Idaho Falls took us past the Idaho National Laboratory which is an 890 square mile complex located in the high desert land between Arco and Idaho Falls.  There are a number of facilities within this area.  We could see little sites stuck out in the desert.   On July 17, 1955 the town of Arco (where the campground is) was the first community in the world ever to be lit by electricity generated by nuclear power, from a reactor at the Idaho National Laboratory.   It is a really weird and interesting area.  
  We are staying in Idaho Falls right on the Snake River in a Hilton Garden Inn.  It is a gorgeous (senior discount) suite with a balcony overlooking the river.  After an amazing soak in a jacuzzi tub, I sat out on the balcony and zoom - two Blue Angel planes buzzed by.  I hollered at Rick and got the camera.  There is an air show at the airport just a mile away.  For the next 90 minutes we saw wonderful air acrobatics as the planes flew out over the desert, down the river and then back over the airport.  It just sent chills up my back.  I told Rick that it was his birthday treat!
    We had a nice dinner and a walk along the river.  Very pretty.   We are trying to recharge because things are not looking good yet for tomorrow.  We still have no mechanic to install the part.  We called our Good Sam trailer insurance - they have no solutions until tomorrow either.  So, we sit out on our balcony, watch the swans in the river and forget about tomorrow.


AuldStampGuy said...

Happy Birthday Rick !!!! I hope you have a great day and the RV probs are easily fixable.

Very best ... Tim

Gary said...

glad your headed home and safe, birthday wishes to Rick, Blue Angels - cool birthday present - remember if your passing by here on the way home we can find time for at least coffee...