Friday, July 30, 2010

Our last night

     I awoke to a beautiful sunrise and watched the little foal in the horse farm next door chase his mom around the pasture.  The air was cool and refreshing with a nice breeze, but it warmed up quickly as we hustled to get on the road.  We had a long drive ahead and lost an hour changing time zones.
    The South Dakota road was rough and under construction in many spots.  The day heated up quickly and was very humid.  We passed many familiar spots: the Badlands where the Scouts set up their tents in mud, the road to Elsworth Air Base where we slept in a big gymnasium with the Scouts, Wall Drug (our boys' favorite spot to buy junk souvenirs), Al's Oasis where the Scouts loved to stop for snacks.  We have driven this road many times and it is always pretty.
   Often, in the past, we have driven all the way home, but we are older now and have more time than energy so we planned to stop in Sioux Falls.  As we got near town we saw water standing in the fields, running in the ditches and rushing in rivers.  When we turned on the local news we heard that some areas had gotten 8 inches of rain last night.  The campground was muddy and the humidity really high.  After days of ultra dry air I should be happy, but this is too much of a good thing.  Rick didn't mind it, though and spent time outside in his favorite chair.
   By this time tomorrow we should be home, but the clouds are forming again so it may be a wet drive.  See you all soon.

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