Thursday, July 15, 2010

Beach Road, Bandon, Oregon

     As we left the campground for another day of sightseeing we noticed a dark wall of fog moving into shore.  We just need to get up earlier, I guess, to beat the fog.  Our first stop today was a Life Boat Station museum at Port Orford.  The lifeboat station was used in WWII as part of the coastal defenses.  Much of the station was gone, but we were able to tour the old barracks and hike out to see the cove 500' below where the lifeboats had been launched.  One of the old lifeboats was in the process of being restored so we could see how it was built to be unsinkable.
     At Cape Blanco we drove out to the lighthouse and into the fog.  Cape Blanco is the most southern of Oregon's lights, and is the westernmost point in Oregon.  The wind was howling and gusting.  Rick climbed the 63 steps to the top of the lighthouse to see the Fresnel lens, but couldn't see a thing out of the windows due to the heavy fog.  We ran back to the truck and drove into a valley and some sunshine for our picnic lunch.  The valley used to be the site of a large dairy farm and creamery.  We toured the Hughes farmhouse which was built in 1898.  It reminded me of the house I grew up in at Fort Snelling - large rooms with high ceilings, a big kitchen and huge pantry.  I loved it.
    As we continued on 101 back to our campground we took "Beach Road" into downtown Bandon.  There were several overlooks along this road with amazing views, but the wind was just roaring and it was very chilly so we didn't spend much time at them except to take a couple pictures.  We were told that the strong winds occur frequently in this area.  Just walking around in it made us tired.  Although the views are great I am not sure that I would be first in line to buy one of the new condos being built in this town.
   We returned to the campground to sunshine and very little wind, but it was pretty chilly.  We were just in time to try out Skype to talk with Arik, Jenn and Kellen and see them on video.   I don't know why we didn't try it sooner, it was just so fun to actually see them.  Then we had a great fish dinner at the Wheel House in Bandon.  Great day.

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