Thursday, July 29, 2010

South Dakota - Yeah!

   I can almost see Minnesota from here.  Well, not really as we are barely across the border and have a long day and then a short day of driving to get home (I know, some folks would do it in a day, but we are no longer 25).  We are on the edge of the Black Hills, not high enough for it to be really cool at night, but cooling nicely after a hot day.
   It was stormy when we went to bed last night, but not raining.  I left the hatch over our bed open and most of the windows.  I run a sound machine at night and last night it was set to the rain sound.  I woke up and thought - the water noise that I am hearing is louder than the sound machine.  I jumped up and stuck my hand under the hatch.  No rain.  But the water sound was loud.  I turned off the sound machine - still a loud water sound.  I went down the stairs to the kitchen fearing a huge leak in our sink.  No.  I looked outside at our water connection - no water, but the sound was louder.  Then I saw a huge geyser coming out of the grass - missing sprinkler head.  It wasn't spraying our car or RV so I went back to bed.  Thank goodness, no more problems.
   In the morning I went out to look at the sprinkler problem and ran into a peacock.  Yup!  A giant green bird walking peacefully around the campground.  He hopped up on the picnic table.  I went over to a nearby family to tell them to come see it.  First I had to admire the giant green bug they had on their tent. Yuck.
    The drive down from Billings was beautiful - rolling hills covered with green.  A thunderstorm went through this area last night and again this morning so everything was fresh and sparkling.  We drove along another section of the Bozeman trail - with all the green prairie grass and rivers it looked much more hospitable for pioneers than the western sections in Oregon.
    We drove long and hard today to get to South Dakota.  We are in a campground only a mile off the freeway, but it is very quiet and secluded.  It has been a peaceful evening on our second to the last night of this trip.  It is nice to have a few glorious last days to such a wonderful trip.

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