Saturday, July 10, 2010

Newberry National Volcanic Monument

     It was predicted to be another very hot day so walking in a lava tube that stays at about 45 F. all the time seemed like a great idea.  The Newberry National Volcanic monument is just 25 miles south of Sisters.  The area has 50,000 acres of lakes, lava flows, and spectacular geologic features.  We stopped at the Visitor Center for a short Ranger talk which gave us an overview of the history of the area and the formation of the large cinder cone that was adjacent to the Visitor Center.   Then we took a road with an 8% grade to an observation tower at the top of the cone.  It was a nice clear day and we could see all the way to Mount Hood - just a spectacular view.
   Our next stop was the Lava River Cave.  The portion of the cave open to the public is about 1 mile long.  The cave is a tunnel through a basalt lava flow - no one is sure how they are formed, but this is one of the largest in Oregon.  There are no lights in the cave.  You can either bring flashlights/headlamps or rent a lantern.  We had good head lamps and thought that we would need both hands so we didn't rent a lantern.  The tour starts with a walkway that angles down about 100 feet.  As we approached the opening to the cave we could feel the very cool air rushing out.  It felt great as the temperatures at the top of the cinder cone were nearing 100.  The first part of the cave drops off quickly so iron stairs were put in to help visitors get all the way down to the cave floor - about 30 steps.  By now it was getting much darker, colder, and slippery from the dripping water.  Once we were at the bottom and began to head deep into the cave the walkway became a rocky, slippery, obstacle course.  My headlamp was dim, my glasses fogged because I was still so hot and the air was cool.  Every step I took was asking for trouble.  I finally told Rick I was going to head back and save my knees for the all important quilt show tomorrow.  He went forward for another half mile or more while I waited at the entrance to the cave in the cool air and chatted with a nice gentleman from Florida who also  decided to walk out rather than be carried out.  Rick really enjoyed it so it was definitely worth the stop.
     During the late afternoon we had a bunch of storms come through with lots of thunder, a little lightening, and very little rain.  Then it was cooler so we sat outside and enjoyed the summer day until Jo Ellen arrived.  It is great to have more company! 

1 comment:

Paape Family said...

the lava cave sounds so cool! glad you saved your walking for the quilt show tomorrow with JoEllen! Have fun!