Monday, July 5, 2010

Cannon Beach, Oregon

     It was great to have Mark and Joyce here for some socializing.  It seems like we have been laughing all day.  We slept a little later than usual this morning and had a relaxing breakfast before we talked about what to do for the day.  It was a grey morning, but we thought the fog would burn off so we drove north to Ecola State Park for a closer look at the "haystack" rocks and the beautiful wave patterns created by them. 
   The park was full of 4th of July picnickers including one very large group who had drawn the boundaries for a soccer field in the sand and were busy having a soccer game with players of all ages.  We took dozens more pictures (for our photo competition).  As we sat on a picnic table and watched the activity, Joyce's sister Sue and her friend Dan drove up with food for lunch!  By the time we finished lunch the fog had rolled in again so we packed up and drove into the small town of Cannon Beach.  It was named for the cannon found there over 100 years ago (also believed to be from the U.S.S. Shark). 
    We got to town just as the 4th of July parade was ending.  There are dozens of nice shops and art galleries so we did some shopping until the mist turned to rain.  We decided that it was time to return to the campground to view our photos and have some hot tea.  It is great to have the warm, dry RV to escape to in the drizzle.  The drizzle stopped and we had spaghetti dinner and shared family  and camping stories.  We have all been camping for many years and each have our share of crazy experiences. 
     We haven't decided on the winning photo yet, although I really love Mark's "Old Man and the Sea" shot of Rick.   Mark won the "know it all" competition today for best guess on number of players on a soccer team and how far you can see when standing at sea level.  Do you know the answers?

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