Thursday, June 22, 2006

Denali Sled Dog Kennels

     It rained all night.  The good news is that it was much darker overnight so it was easier to get to sleep.  The day was cold and wet as we headed out to the park.  We started our adventures with a visit to the kennels where the sled dogs are kept.  We got to pet many of the dogs and watch them get harnessed up and go for a run.  The dogs are used all winter to patrol the park.  Jenn just loved seeing the dogs.
     The group split up for a bit and walked around the learning center and museum.  There was some great information on forest fires and the Denali wolf programs.  We learned that the forest fire north of Denali which was threatening our drive from Fairbanks is still burning strong despite the cool, wet weather.
     After lunch we drove to Savage River and took a hike along the river.  We came upon a willow Ptarmigan who was blocking the path.  She had some chicks in a nest along the river and didn't want us to get near them.  Small bird with a really big attitude.

    At the end of the day, Terry and Connie drove with us to a chalet perched on the top of the bluffs above the road and river.  It was a great view and a fun place to have a drink and say goodbye to Denali.

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