Friday, June 30, 2006

Sea Life Museum, Seward, Alaska

     We woke up to a chilly drizzle which was reflective of my sad mood.  The kids must leave today to go back to Minneapolis.  It has been so much fun to have them along to share our adventure.  I hope that they got to see and do much of what they wanted to do.  Alaska is such a huge place that I don't think it can be seen in a single visit.
   We decided to go to the Sea Life Museum since the weather was poor and it is mostly indoors.  This was a good choice, since it is a really great place.  We learned more about many of the birds and mammals that we saw on the cruise of the fjords.  I especially enjoyed seeing the seals in a wonderful exhibit.  However, the best exhibit was of sea birds.  The display let us see the birds both above and below the water.  Some of them use their wings to swim under water and dive way down to the bottom of the tank.  Two of the puffins flew over to a rock right next to Amanda and seemed to be socializing with her.  They were very used to people.  We got some great pictures.

    After leaving the museum we made a short visit to Exit Glacier which is just outside of Seward.  We had a nice lunch next to the water and then had to say goodbye.  I wish that the weather was more cheery because I am certainly not.  We have been really busy with our guests for the past two weeks.  Tomorrow we will rest and plan the rest of the trip.

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