Saturday, June 17, 2006

Pioneer Park, Fairbanks, Alaska

     We had more rain this morning, but it has been clearing as the day progresses.  This seems like a pattern over the last few days.  We went to an RV store this morning and bought some tie-downs for the RV awning so that we can keep the awning out while we are camping at Denali and Anchorage.  Then if it rains we will have a bit of a foyer to get the rain off everyone before they enter the RV.
     River's Edge Campground is starting to seem like home after a few days.  We are getting to know our neighbors as we run into them in the laundry room and on our nightly walks.  Everyone is friendly and has an interesting story to tell about why they are on the road.
    We visited Pioneer Park late this morning and saw many old log homes which had been moved from areas around Fairbanks.  Each place had a little gift shop or food service.  The park was pretty empty and the vendors said that there were many fewer tourists in town this year.  Maybe due to high gas prices.   On the way back to the campground we stopped to look at the Alaska pipeline.  Somehow it was much bigger that I thought it would be.  We heard a few folks talk about the dividend that each Alaska native gets each year from the pipeline funds.  It is a real incentive to put up with the long, dark, cold winters, I guess.

    We shopped for groceries and cleaned the RV as we prepare to meet the rest of the family in Denali.  The cupboards are bulging, but I got all the fresh food into the refrigerator.  It takes a lot of space to store food for 8.  I am so excited to be seeing the family.

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