Thursday, June 29, 2006

Kenai Fjord Cruise

    We woke up to a cold and cloudy day.  We headed off on another cruise - this one was of the Kenai Fjords.  The tour was 9 hours long and took us far out into the Kenai Fjord area.  We had good seats, up high, but indoors, where we could see out across the water.  Soon after leaving port we saw some sea otters.  Then we stopped at Fox Island where there is a lodge that has overnight cabins.  We picked up folks who had stayed there for a few nights.  Then we headed out into the Gulf of Alaska where the sea was full of huge swells which made the boat rock.  Poor Matt got seasick almost right away.  He was fine on the cruise out of Whittier because the water was so calm and the catamaran sort of skimmed over the water.  Not this boat.  It most definitely rocked quite a bit and soon Matt and many other passengers were pretty sea sick.
   Matt took some Dramamine (although taking it after already feeling sick is not so effective).  He moved outside to the stern deck and Amanda (dear wife that she is) went outside  to be with him.  It was quite chilly out there and they were both pretty cold, but at least not sick.  The crew pulled out some blankets to give to the folks who had sick kids.  I snagged some for my "kids" and wrapped them up as they sat outside.  Soon the seas became much calmer and Matt began to enjoy the Orca and humpback whales, harbor seals, puffins, and bald eagles.  It was an amazing trip.  I would dress warmer next time, although I had several layers on.

    All in all it was a great cruise and I would do it again.  The boat took us up very close to a glacier and to a beautiful waterfall.  We learned a lot about the area from the narration on the boat and got some great information about the wildlife.
    When we got back to the RV Amanda cooked us a great pasta dish for dinner and then we all slept well after such a busy day.

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