Friday, June 2, 2006

Lake Louise, Banff, AB

     Today we drove to Lake Louise.  The glacial water was the same beautiful aquamarine that it was 32 years ago, but the area is much more developed with many parking lots and walkways.   The Chateau Lake Louise was spectacular, but the surrounding gardens were still pretty sparce.  I guess the weather has been too chilly.
We walked along the lake past folks speaking German, French, Japanese, Spanish and other languages I couldn't guess at.  Really an international spot.  It was a perfect day for hiking - partly cloudy and 70.  We had a great picnic lunch to eat along the road until two Canada Jays decided to join us.  They landed on the picnic table, then flew under the table and landed on my leg.  They really made pests of themselves until I threw a pinecone at one of them and the flew off.  We really like taking along a picnic lunch so that we can stop anywhere along the way and enjoy the outdoors rather than being stuck in a noisy fast food spot.

    Tonight we are both tired after hiking and having a beer for dinner.  The campground is busier tonight as it is now the weekend.  Our neighbors have one of the many rental RV's and are speaking German.  Another beautiful evening with only a few mosquitos.

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