Friday, June 23, 2006

On to Anchorage

     We drove the "Parks Highway" to Anchorage. Matt and Amanda, Terry and Connie, Arik and Jenn left early so that they could get a day of sightseeing in Anchorage.  Rick and I packed up the RV and followed a little later in the morning. The drive is really beautiful until about 50 miles out of Anchorage where the terrain becomes flat and the road runs along many junky little towns.  IT was a quiet and pleasant day on the road after so much company.
    I had made a reservation for Anchorage RV park which was supposed to be one of the nicest in the area.  The reviews did not lie.  It is very nice with lots of big shade trees and grassy sites.  It also has moose and bear roaming down the streets because it is on the outskirts of the city.  Anchorage apparently has many moose living within the city, much like the deer in Bloomington.
    We caught up on our laundry and got an Internet connection to catch up on our emails.  No Internet in National Parks.  However with most of the immediate family along we did not have much email waiting.
     We all planned to meet at Gwennie's Restaurant for dinner.  It is one of the gathering points for the beginning of the Iditarod.  Jenn was not feeling like coming to dinner so she and Arik stayed at the motel.  We were all tired after a busy week at Denali.  Matt and Amanda met us at the RV and we all went to bed early.

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