Monday, June 12, 2006

Kulane Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada

    We are staying tonight at a "Road House" style campground.  During the early days of the Alaska Highway many stops like this which have a motel, grocery, bar, gas station and campground were created for travelers.  The "campground" part of this stop is really just a big gravel parking lot.  It has water and electric hookups and is nice and clean but otherwise very bare.  When the sun came out the whole area got pretty hot.  But the little store had an Internet hookup and some ice cream.
    The road today was really bumpy from frost heaves.  Very slow going as we bounced from one to another.  Kulane Lake is pretty, but the terrain around it is dry and brown.  The Kulane mountains and the St. Elias Mountains behind them are beautiful, however.
   The long support at the base of the couch broke from the bouncing.  We went to the hardware store to buy three long steel rods to reinforce the broken support.  We also added some additional tie downs to keep it from bouncing.  These roads are hard on everything.
    The weather is still very warm and dry.  With these long days it seems that most travelers drive really long stretches.  Since we have plenty of time we are still doing about 200 miles a day with stops for hikes, pictures and lunch.  We get in to camp fairly early which gives us a chance to tour around and relax. 
    Many campgrounds and cafes along this stretch of highway are closed.  It may be that the area is just too remote to support many services.  We are still getting 10+ miles to the gallon so the $4 gas is not so painful.  We ARE happy that we installed the larger gas tank, though, so that we can go further between fills.  Tomorrow we get to Alaska!

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