Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Homer, Alaska

     We are off to Homer after a slow start today.  We are all really tired after such a long cold day yesterday.  It is sunny today with a little bit of fog that burned off quickly.  We got to a great overlook high above Homer and it was foggy in the valley.  We could see a strip of mountains across Cook Inlet rising out of the clouds.  There are lots of nice flowers which are quite large due to a good growing environment.  Much better than the Denali area.

     Homer is a pretty big town with a fair amount of industry.  The long spit of land going out into the gulf has lots of boardwalks with little shops and restaurants.  We stopped at a great "sour dough" kitchen which had some good hot sandwiches.
    Homer is a big fishing town and everyone seemed to be catch huge amounts of halibut.  We walked along the pier and saw some of the really huge fish that were caught.  Amanda wished that we had gone ocean fishing too.  Maybe next time.  Matt and Amanda looked into buying some salmon and halibut to bring home with them.

    Across the bay from Homer is a big state park - Kamechek.  Water taxis take visitors out to some good hiking trails, camping spots and cabins.  It would have been fun to stay out there and do some hiking.

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