Thursday, June 8, 2006

Muncho Lake, British Columbia

    The days are very long now as we head north and get close to the Summer equinox.  It is light enough to read outside at 11:30 pm and bright again by 4 am.  I wake up early with the birds and then go back to sleep.  We are now in Pacific time zone.  No cell phone coverage here. 
    Our drive today was both the highest and the lowest part of the Alaska highway.  We crossed a bridge at 1000' and went over a summit of 7000'.  Our truck/trailer combination seems to do just fine with it all.  We have seen folks on this road with really old, overloaded campers that make us wonder if they will make it.
     We saw lots of moose today.  Males with big horns and females with calves.  Stone mountain sheep in herds were walking on the road.  Lots of deer, some elk.  It was a big day for wildlife hazards on the road.  I am noting in the Milepost book everytime we see something - lots of notes today.
     The road was winding and very hilly.  Sometimes there were no shoulders.  We had a little rain, but mostly gray and dry.  The view was amazing.  Really impossible to describe or photograph.  Just miles and miles of pine covered mountains, a few farms, and only a couple small towns.  We are really in the middle of nowhere.
  Toad River and Mucho Lake are both a beautiful blue from copper sulfite.  The river is running very fast and we saw many "watch out for rocks" signs as we drove between rocky cliffs and the river.  We also saw many rocks. The lake is clear, 7 miles long and 700 ft. deep.  Wow.  The J and H campground is right on the lake.  Electricity at these campgrounds comes from a generator which was not working for the night.  Hardly mattered as it was light so late that we just sat outside to read.

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