Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Border City, Alaska

    The day started out great - warm and sunny.  This is a good thing since we had miles to make up from our short day yesterday.  We are back on the frost heave roads.  The drive was very bumpy and full of road construction.  Many bridges were being rebuilt along the Tok cut-off which created long delays.  Many other sections were just gravel - although the gravel is usually graded smoother than the bumpy pavement.  However, we traveled with a pack of other RV's almost all day which meant lots and lots of dust.  We can hardly see out the windows.
    As we drove through Tok and traveled back over some of the same highway that we traveled as we headed towards Fairbanks, we realized that we are really on our way home.  There are still many fun things left to do, BUT our long dreamed about Alaska adventure is falling behind us mile by mile.  We have sure been having a great time.
    Our stop tonight is just short of the Canadian border.  I remember how very excited I was to cross into Alaska when we were driving in the other direction.  The Border City RV campground is one of necessity rather than beauty.  It is mostly a large grassy field, with a stream.  Bit it was very quiet with only about 20 campers.  Most of them arrived late and left early.  We are just the opposite - we tend to stop by 3 or 3:30 and we usually don't get going until 9:30.  On such a long trip this gives us more of a rest between challenging drives and also gives us time to enjoy each area where we stop.

    I have started working hard on editing and labeling photos so that I can tell the story of this trip.

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